Here is some of the information I recently shared in the October newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus. This newsletter is focused on the fascia, myofascia and trigger point research. If you would be interested in receiving my other newsletters, which include links to the studies as well as special offers and sales coupons, please head over to my contact page and sign up.
1. An article titled Comparative Effects of Strain Counter-strain and Ischemic Compression Technique in Patients with Upper Trapezius Trigger Points, published in Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences in 2023 concludes: A 4-week intervention of the ischemic compression and strain counter-strain produced significant results in reducing the intensity of pain, the cervical disability and improving the cervical range of motion, but the intergroup comparison showed that both the ischemic compression and strain counter-strain were equally effective and none of them produced significant results as compared to others on patients with upper trapezius trigger points.
2. An article titled Effect of Myofascial Release Technique and Muscle Stretching on Pain and Cervical Range of Motion in Upper Trapezius Myofascial Trigger Points, published in International Journal of Current Science in April 2023 concludes: Myofascial release technique is an effective therapeutic option in the treatment of active myofascial trigger points in upper trapezius muscles.
3. A student dissertation titled Shock Wave Therapy versus Integrated Neuromuscular Inhibition Technique in Upper Trapezius Myofascial Trigger Points, published in Eur. Chem. Bull. May 2023 concludes: In terms of pain intensity level, pressure pain threshold, cervical range of motion, and function ability level for the upper trapezius myofascial trigger point patients, Shock Wave Therapy shows more improvement than the Integrated Neuromuscular Inhibition Technique.
4. A study titled Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization versus myofascial release therapy in the treatment of chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial, published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders in Jun 2023 concludes: This study showed insignificant differences between groups. However, we did not use a control group, indicating that the improvement in outcomes may not have been caused by the intervention.
5. A study titled The Effect of ISBT-Bowen Therapy in the Treatment of Myofascial Neck Pain—a Randomized, Single-Blinded Clinical Trial, published in Int J There Massage Bodywork in Jun 2023 concludes: This study confirmed the efficacy of ISBT-Bowen Therapy for patients with Myofascial Pain Syndrome. It alleviates pain, improves functional outcomes, enhances quality of life, and relieves mood symptoms.
6. A study titled Pressure Algometer: An Effective Diagnostic Tool to Identify Latent Myofascial Trigger Points, published in Special Issue of National Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences in Sept 2022 concludes: …we observed that the pressure algometer is a very useful, reliable, and inexpensive device to identify myofascial trigger points as compared to ultrasonography. Many authors recommend using this device.
7. A study titled Correlation of Myofascial Trigger Points with Upper Limb Disability in Post Mastectomy Females in Pakistan, published in Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation in Feb 2023 concludes: …there is a highly significant relation between trigger points in muscles and disability of upper extremity in female patients after mastectomy.
8. A study titled Effects of foam rolling on vastus intermedius and lateralis microvascular blood flow, published in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies in Jul 2023 concludes: The common assumption of intramuscular Micro Blood Flow improvement due to Foam Rolling could not be confirmed for up to 30 min after the intervention. If an increase in intramuscular metabolism or Micro Blood Flow is intended, we recommend that alternative methods (i.e., traditional warm-up) should be preferred.
9. A student dissertation titled The Effectiveness of Muscle Energy Techniques in Relieving Low Back Pain of Quadratus Lumborum Myofascial Origin, published in Eur. Chem. Bull in 2023 concludes: MET’s are an effective treatment for Lower Back Pain of the Quadratus Lumborum myofascial origin.
10. A student dissertation titled Myofascial Release versus Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation in Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain; A Randomized Controlled Trial, published in Eur. Chem. Bull in 2023 concludes: Myofascial release is more beneficial than proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation regarding pain and disability and high upper trapezius pain pressure threshold while in suboccipital pain pressure threshold proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation was more effective after six sessions while after twelve sessions both techniques are equally effective. Regarding range of motion both techniques are equally effective except in right rotation: myofascial release was more effective.
Here is some of the information I recently shared in the August newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus. This newsletter is focused on cupping. If you would be interested in receiving my other newsletters, which include links to the studies as well as special offers and sales coupons, please head over to my contact page and sign up.
1. A study titled The Effect of Dry Cupping Therapy on Chronic Knee Pain and Activities of Daily Living in Elderly Women, published in Journal of Gerontology in Mar 2023 concludes: dry cupping therapy is effective in reducing chronic knee pain and increasing daily activities of elderly women.
2. A study titled Effects of Dry Cupping Massage Compared to Static Dry Cupping on Musculoskeletal Pain: A Meta-Analysis, published in Fresno ProQuest Dissertations Publishing in 2023 concludes: The Visual Analogue Scale and Physical Component Score grand effect sizes were small and statistically insignificant while the Neck Disability Index had a large effect size favoring cupping massage. Therefore, we can conclude that there is no difference in effect between the 2 interventions on pain and quality of life. However, cupping massage appears to be superior to decreasing disability in the neck.
3. A study titled Comparison of 4 weeks of cupping and Kinesio-taping on clinical and ultrasound outcomes of carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy, published in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies in Jul 2023 concludes: Both cupping and Kinesio-taping improved clinical and ultrasound outcomes of CTS. However, efficacy of cupping compared to Kinesio-taping was better in improvement of median nerve cross-sectional area at hamate hook and pisiform levels, symptoms severity scale, and functional status scale…
4. A study titled Effect of IASTM, Electro dry Needling, and Cupping Therapy in the Treatment of Tennis Elbow, published in International Journal of Development Research in April 2022 concludes: The combination of IASTM, electro dry needling and cupping therapy results in better improvement in Tennis Elbow treatment than conventional therapy, electro dry needling, and cupping therapy alone.
5. A study titled Effect of myofascial cupping vs integrated neuromuscular inhibition techniques on pain and neck movement in individuals with latent trigger point in trapezius, published in Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal in March 2023 concludes; Myofascial cupping was more effective than Integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique in improving pain. However, both interventions showed similar effects on pressure pain threshold and neck lateral flexion on latent TrP in the trapezius.
6. A study titled Systematic review and meta-analysis of the anti-obesity effect of cupping therapy published in Medicine in Jun 2023 concludes: Overall, our results show that cupping therapy can be used to treat obesity in terms of Body Weight, Body Mass Index, Hip Circumference, and Waist Circumference and is a safe intervention for the treatment of obesity
7. A study titled Comparison of Static and Dynamic Myofascial Decompression on Gastrosoleus Muscle Power and Latent Trigger Point Pain in Normal Healthy Women, published in Medical Journal Of Dr. D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth in Jun 2023 concludes: Static and Dynamic myofascial decompression are equally effective in reducing pain and improving gastro-soleus muscle power in subjects with latent trigger points. There was a sustained carry-over effect seen in the vertical jump height test in the dynamic myofascial decompression group after 5 days of intervention.
8. A study titled Effects of Instrument-Assisted Compressive Versus Decompressive Myofascial Release in Patient with Non-Specific Low Back Pain, published in The Therapist in Jun 2023 concludes: Pain severity and disability score in the decompressive myofascial release group reduced significantly compared to the compressive myofascial release group at the end of the third week and first week respectively. Lumbar flexion and extension ROM improved significantly in the compressive release group as compared to the decompressive release group after 1 and 2 weeks respectively.
Here is some of the information I recently shared in the September newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus. This newsletter is focused on fascia, myofascia, and trigger points. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, which include links to the studies as well as special offers and sales coupons, please head over to my contact page and sign up.
1. A article titled Comparison of dry needling and trigger point manual therapy in patients with neck and upper back myofascial pain syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis, published in Sep 2020 in Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, concludes: both dry needling and trigger point manual therapy improve pain and function in the short to medium term. Neither is more superior than the other.
2. An excellent review article titled Scalene Trigger Points: The Great Imitators by Donald Murphy in Dynamic Chiropractic, explains the different types of manifestation of active trigger points in the scalene muscles.
3. A study titled Rate and maintenance of improvement of myofascial pain with dry needling alone vs dry needling with intramuscular electrical stimulation: a randomized controlled trial, published in Sep 2020 in Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy concludes: dry needling and dry needling with intramuscular electrical stiumlation demonstrated improvement and maintenance in disability and pain for 6 weeks. No differences in improvement of disability or pain existed between the groups at week 6 or 12.
4. A study titled Dry needling for hamstring flexibility: A single-blind randomized controlled trial, published in Journal of Sport Rehabilitation in Oct 2020 concludes: Dry needling is effective in improving hamstring flexibility compared with static stretching. One session of dry needling can be an effective treatment for hamstring tightness and increasing flexibility.
5. A study titled Positional release therapy for the treatment of upper Trapezius trigger points, published in Clinical Images and Case Report Journal in Oct 2020, concludes: Positional release therapy was found to be effective in the treatment of upper Trapezius trigger points as it significantly increases cervical reange of motion and reduction of pain.
6. A study titled Effect of ice massage with integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique on pain and function in subjects with mechanical neck pain: randomized controlled trial, publsihed in Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy in Nov 2020, concludes: ice massage and integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique are effective methods in managing active trigger points in the upper Trapezius of person having mechnical neck pain without statistically significant difference.
7. A study titled Kinesio tape for Fascia on Trunk Muscle Activity during Plank, published in Oct 2020 in J For Phys Ther, concludes: K applying on the fasciaw of trageted muscle increases the muscle activity. Therefore, we cna also focus on the fascia to increase muscle activities, not only on muscles.
8. A study titled Effect of Suboccipital Muscle Inhibition Technique on Hamstring Tightness in Healthy Adults-An Interventional Study, published in Oct 2020 compared suboccipital muscle inhibition technique and static stretching to static stretching along. The study concludes: suboccipital muscle inhibition technique is effective in improving flexibiliyt of hamstring muscle.
9. A study titled Evaluation of the impact of ilacus trigger points on angle of pelvic inclination in healthy individuals, published in Nov 2016 and presented at the Global Physiotherapy Congress in Florida by Emil Mete of Istanbul Medeniyet University, was focused on the effect of the Iliacus trigger point on the angle of anterior pelvic tilt. The study concludes: after iliacus trigger point release a significant decrease was found in the angle of anterior pelvic tilt, a decrease was found in the Thomas test, and an increase was found in pain pressure threshold.10. A study titled Comparison between effects of ischemic compression therapy and deep friction massage therapy for trigger points in neck and upper back, published in Jun 2020 in JRCRS, concludes: ...ischemic compression is more effective than deep friction massage in patients with MTrP's in the neck and upper back for decreasing pain and disability, but for increasing cervical ROM, both therapuetic approaches are equally useful.
10. A study titled Comparison between effects of ischemic compression therapy and deep friction massage therapy for trigger points in neck and upper back, pubnlished in Jun 2020 in JRCRS concludes: ...ischemic compression is more effective than deep friction massage in patients with MTrP's in the neck and upper back for decreasing pain and disability, but for increasing cervical ROM, both therapuetic approaches are equally useful.
Here is some of the information I recently shared in my October newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus. This month is focused on fascia, myofascia, and trigger points. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, please head over to my contact page and sign up.
I receive a weekly update on anything published on the internet that includes information about fascia, myofascia, manual therapy, and trigger points. I try to glean the best of the information and provide a brief synopsis of the information. If you come across any information that you think would be good to share, please also feel free to pass that information along to:
1. A blog article, titled Why We Don’t Elongate Facia (pt 2) by Whitney Lowe investigates the idea of fascial manipulation focusing on the force applied to the skin to create an effect on fascia.
2. A blog article, titled New Scientific Data to Revisit Active Trigger Points Concept by Ross Turchaninov includes images of trigger points and some additional theories.
3. A blog article, titled Modeled Myofascial Release Enhances Wound Healing in Bioengineered Tendons through Fibroblast Proliferation and Collagen Remodeling on Fascia & Fitness summarizes a study published in Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics and suggests that “MFR results in improved wound healing due to increased fibroblast deposition and collagen density within and adjacent to the wound area.”
4. A blog article titled Fascia micro-trauma may contribute to DOMS on Fascia & Fitness show that DOMS was associated with the increased sensitivity of muscle fascia to the stimulus, suggesting the source of pain is fascia (connective tissue) rather than the muscle fibers themselves.
5. A study titled Attenuation of postoperative adhesions using a modeled manual therapy, published at PLOS ONE in 2017 concludes: Modeled Manual Therapy initiated immediately postoperatively is an effective preventive for cohesive postoperative adhesions and includes a video of the technique performed.
6. A blog article titled Iliotibial Band Pain in the Runner Part 2: Treatment by Rich Willy suggests: Foam rolling does not result in changes in flexibility that last more than just a few minutes and any pain relief experienced by foam rolling is temporary, likely due to temporary central pain modulation. Contrary to popular opinion, “adhesions” or “myofasciae” are not being “released” or “broken up” by foam rolling. Considering ITB pain is a compression injury, it makes little sense to add further compression o the lateral knee anyway. Instead of foam rolling, purposively target running-specific loads.
7. A study, titled Effects of Cesarean Section and Vaginal Delivery on Abdominal Muscles and Fasciae, published in Medicina Apr 2020 concludes: transverse Cesarean Section women showed significant alterations in both abdominal fasciae and muscle thicknesses, whereas vaginal delivery women showed alterations mainly in muscles. Thinner Rectus abdominus and/or dissymmetric Internal oblique, wider inter-rectus distance, and thicker loose connective tissue and abdominal perimuscular fasciae after Cesarean section may cause muscle deficits and alteration of fascial gliding, which may induce scar, abdominal, low back, and/or pelvic pain.
8. A study titled, Effect of Integrated Neuromuscular Inhibition Technique versus Ischaemic Compression and Trigger Point Pressure Release on Upper Trapezius and Non-Specific Neck Pain in IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 2019 concludes: Integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique and ischemic compression and trigger point pressure release are equally effective in reducing pain and neck disability index and improving range of motion.
9. A study titled Change in hamstrings flexibility: A comparison between three different manual therapeutic techniques in normal individuals, published in Adesh University Journal of Medical Sciences & Research in 2020 compared post isometric relaxation, maximum voluntary isometric contraction and PNF hold relax techniques to increase the flexibility of hamstring muscles. Conclusion: Maximum voluntary isometric contraction was the most effective among the three, although all groups showed a significant increase in active knee extension ROM.
10. A study titled Comparison of Active Release Technique and Positional Release Therapy for Gastrosoleus Trigger Point Release in Recreational Runners, published in International Journal of Health Sciences and Research in Jul 2020, concludes: Positional Release Therapy is a better intervention for the release of trigger points as it shows a greater increase in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion and significant reduction in pain.
Here is some of the information I recently shared in my October newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus. This month is focused on the fascia, myofascia and trigger point information. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, please head over to my contact page and sign up.
I receive a weekly update on anything published anywhere on the internet that includes information about fascia, myofascia and trigger points. I try to glean the best of the information and provide a brief synopsis of the information. If you come across any information that you think would be good to share, please also feel free to pass that information along to:
1. A blog article, titled Fascia Acts as a Second Nervous System, by Dr. Russell Schierling, offers several important concepts:
2. A study, Effects of Local Ischemic Compression on Upper Limb Latent Myofascial Trigger Points: A Study of Subjective Pain and Linear Motor Performance concluded: the results suggest the Ischemic Compression effectiveness on pain and Motor Performance impairment in subjects with Latent TrPs. However, the Motor Performance of these patients is only partially improved after the Ischemic compression application.
3. An article, titled Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Looked through the Lens of 11 Cases Managed by Myofascial Trigger Point Massage Therapy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, published in International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports, concludes: Myofascial pain syndrome linked with latent or active myofascial trigger points developed due to repeated strains and injuries needs to be diagnosed by history and palpation method, system evaluation and laboratory investigations. Though several interventions are used in myofascial pain syndrome, myofascial trigger point massage therapy alone is found to be reasonably effective with excellent results.
4. A study, titled The Effect of Self-Myofascial release using tennis ball on pain in individuals with piriformis trigger points, published in International Journal of Basic and Applied Research, concludes: Subjects were asked to take small circular movements by sitting on a tennis ball under the buttocks for 60 seconds. The study concluded that Self-Myofascial Release using tennis ball helps in reducing pain and increasing the pain pressure threshold providing a simple yet effective alternative for piriformis trigger point pain.
5. An abstract submitted for publication, titled AB0910 Effective restoring Motion and Effective Treatment of Myofascial and Neuropathic Low Back Pain by Targeted Dry Needling Using Ultrasound Guidance in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, concludes: Dry needling under ultrasound guidance effectively reduce myofascial pain ameliorate symptoms of neuropathy and local muscle hypo motility in low back pain.
6. A study, titled Effects of Self-myofascial release using foam roller on range of motion and morphological changes in muscle: A crossover study, published in J Strength Cond Res. in May 2019, concludes: Self-myofascial release using foam roller is effective in improving range of motion in at least some conditions. However, its mechanism is still unclear.We hypothesized that the Foam Rolling intervention may increase ROM because of changes in fascicle length and aponeurosis displacement. Although ROM of both dorsiflexion and plantar flexion increased significantly after the Foam Rolling intervention (p<0,01), no significant differences were found in fascicle length and aponeurosis displacement before and after the foam rolling intervention.
7. A case study, titled The effectiveness of positional release therapy in myofascial trigger points associated with recurrent lateral ankle sprain—a case study, published in World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research in Apr 2019, concludes: There was a significant decrease in the pain symptoms observed after the treatment, with the significant increase in Active ROM. It is concluded that Positional Release Therapy may be an effective treatment for pain and increase in Active ROM and pain decreased caused by trigger point due to recurrent lateral ankle sprain. (Peroneous muscles)
8. An study titled, A study to compare the effect of muscle energy technique and positional release technique on pain and cervical ROM in patients with chronic upper trapezitis, published in International’Journal of Scientific Research, concludes: Muscle energy technique is an effective option in the treatment of chronic upper trapezitis.
9. A study titled A comparative study to find out the immediate effect of occipital muscle inhibition and static hamstring stretching on hamstring tightness in young adults—an experimental study, published in International Journal of Scientific Research in May 2019, concludes: Both the techniques showed marked improvement in the outcome measure, but the occipital muscle inhibition is more effective for the hamstring tightness and it is easy to perform for the participants and it was observed that the effect was persistent for longer time.
• A video titled Vancouver Fascia Congress Shoulder study: Myofascial Trigger point Release by Christopher Gordon, shows the results of a study of myofascial trigger point release on the elasticity and sensitization of the tissue.
Anatomy, Head and Neck, Deep Cervical Neck Fascia by Paul Sutcliffe and Savita Lasrado. Update Jun 2019 and found at StatPearls.
Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Femoral Triangle by Hayden Basinger and Jeffery P. Hogg. Update April 2091 and found at StatPearls
Here is some of the information I recently shared in my May newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus. This month is focused on fascia information. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, please head over to my contact page and sign up.
I receive a weekly update on anything published anywhere on the internet that includes information about fascia. I try to glean the best of the information and provide a brief synopsis of the information. If you come across any information that you think would be good to share, please also feel free to pass that information along to:
1. A blog article titled, Fascia as a Proprioceptive Organ and its relationship to Chronic Pain, by Dr. Russell Schierling, offers several important concepts:
2. An awesome post, found on Massage CE Directory on Facebook, regarding the Posterior pelvic fascia.
3. A study, Attenuation of postoperative adhesions using a modeled manual therapy, published at PLOS One, concludes: Maintained movements of damaged structures in the immediate postoperative period has potential to act as an effective preventive for attenuating cohesive postoperative adhesion development.
4. An article titled, Expression of the endocannabinoid receptors in human fascial tissue, published at Fascia & Fitness, discussed a study from the Stecco group at the University of Padova in Italy published in the European Journal of Histochemistry, and confirms the presence of cannabinoids receptors in fascia.
5. A blog article, Questions to Consider for Myofascial Therapy by Whitney Lowe, points out the results of a study from 2002 that has largely been ignored: There is negligible friction between the skin and this underlying fascial tissue. This should result in several techniques being questioned.
6. A blog post, Fascia Micro Trauma may Contribute to DOMS, posted on Fascia & Fitness, proposes: increased sensitivity of muscle fascia to the stimulus (acupuncture needle) suggesting the source of pain is fascia rather than the muscle fibers themselves.
7. A peer-reviewed article, The Awareness of the Fascial System, published on Cureus, is a great overview of how fascia functions, offering “new perspectives to understand what happens during palpatory contact. A fascial cell has not only memory but also the awareness of the mechanometabolic information it feels, and it has the anticipatory predisposition in preparing itself for alteration of its natural environment.
8. An article titled, Anatomy of the Superficial Fascia System of the Breast: A Comprehensive Theory of Breast Fascial Anatomy, published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Nov 2018, concludes: the breast is shaped by a three-dimensional, fibrofatty fascial system. Two layers of this system surround the corpus mammae and fuse together around it, and anchor it to the chest wall in a structure we have called the circummammary ligament.
9. An article, Fascia is Able to Actively Contract and May Thereby Influence Musculoskeletal Dynamics: A Histochemical and Mechanographic Investigation, published in Front. Physical. Apr 2019, concludes: tension of myofascial tissue is actively regulated by myofibroblasts with the potential to impact active musculoskeletal dynamics
10. A study titled, Roller Massage: Comparison of three different surface type pattern foam rollers on passive knee range of motion and pain pereption, published in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies May 2019, concludes: The GRID and multilevel surface rollers produced greater immediate post-intervention effects than the smooth roller. The therapeutic effects of the GRID and multilevel rollers may be due to the surface architecture. These rollers may provide a greater deformation of the tissues which creates a local mechanical and global neurophysiological effect.